
Showing posts from February, 2021


  1. Constituional development in Pakistan  2. CPEC and Special economic Zones  3. is SNC is possibility or its distant dream ? 4. Status of Gilgit Balistan  5. Possibility of martial law in mid of pandemic  6. Elections in pakistan : true & fair or still baised  7. the status of Urdu as a language in Pakistan  8. Role of Pakistan in peace reconcliation of Afghan Taliban 9. Crisis of energy and water resources  10. Provincialims ; is it a threat to national integration ?


 1. Single National Curriculum - challenges and its impacts  2. Covid 19 - Pakistan being a developing country can afford vaccine for all ?   3. The die - hard attitude of Indian atrocities in Kashmir and its aftermaths on the region  4. Martial arts and military coups in countries to deter rights of civilians  5. Post - trump US policies at global and regional level  6. China and US : convergence or divergence owing to pandemic  7. The rise of china : Myth or reality ?  8. Post - covid  - gloablisation will emerge with its force 9. Boom and Bane of E - Commerce  10. sanctions on Iran by US   

The establishment of harassment as a norm in the Pakistan

  1.       Introduction 2.       What is meant by harassment , its form/types & extent 3.       Historical background (in Pakistan) 4.       A current state of affairs 5.       To what extent it is true, the establishment of harassment is more a norm in Pakistan? Yes it is true, because; a.       Feudalistic mindset which is strengthening the case to keep it as norm b.       Gender segregation and natural discrimination led towards the higher number of cases   c.       Cultural practices to teach male chauvinism in the early phase of character development d.       Society and cultural practices embedded deep into society consolidate harassment as norm e.       Feuds within families and relatives are considered as honor f.        There is prevalent mindset that ‘EVERY GIRL’ has to face harassment no matter what g.       Set of principles and practices to set standards and deviating from which result into harassment 6.       What are the underlying rationale