
Showing posts from May, 2022

Important Topics in Education subject / PMS/

  EDUCATION IMPORTANT TOPICS 1.    History + system + policies 2.    National educational policies + development plans 3.    Role = public + private + NGO + foreign donor + stakeholders 4.    Educational process + role of education 5.    philosophical foundations +psychological+ sociological 6.    foundation curriculum + process of development of test development 7.    process of curriculum + theories of development 8.    types of development + principles of growth 9.    use of instructional materials and media + research methods 10.                   philosophy of education + thoughts of Muslim   11.                   western schools of general philosophy + schools of educational philosophy 12.                   educational assessment and evaluation + educational planning 13.                   comparative education + educational administration and supervision 14.                   approaches to educational administration 15.                   full book

How to Select Topics for Essay/ Essay writing/ CSS-PMS

  Deconstruction of topic   ✓ Main topic  ✓ Sub topic 1  ✓ Sub topic 2  ✓ Sub topic two types ( explicit and implicit )  ✓ Explicit - clearly written  ✓ Implicit - not clear but assuming  ✓ Main topic - tourism  ✓ Sub topic 1. - challenges ( explicit / written )  ✓ Sub topic 2 - opportunities ( explicit / written )  ✓ Main topic - informal economy  ✓ Sub topic 1- way forward/ remedy  ( explicit / written)  ✓ Sub topic 2- problems/ hurdles ( implicit / not written )  ✓ Main topic - polarized politics  ✓ Sub topic 1- challenges ( explicit )  ✓ Sub topic 2 - solution ( implicit )  ✓ Main topic - women ‘s universities  ✓ Sub topic 1- problems of women’s education ( implicit )  ✓ Sub topic 2- solutions for women’s education ( implicit ) 

Essentials of Essay / Essay Writing/ Do's and Don'ts of Essay / CSS / PMS

Essentials of essay  ◦ 10 essentials  ◦ Introduction (1-1/2 page)  ◦ What is what (what, when , where, why and how)  ◦ Historical perspective (optional ) - 3 past event  ◦ Current status - 3 current events  ◦ Establishment of fact - arguments (3 types 1. Pro 2. Anti 3. Moderate)  ◦ Causes (5 - types random / classified)  ◦ Impacts - same  ◦ Steps already taken (optional) 1 para (3 steps in progress)  ◦ Recommendations (6 / 2 types / random & classified)  ◦ Conclusion (1 para l)  ✓ Essay attempts  ✓ Scattered ideas into words  ✓ Essay must be comprehensive  ✓ Comprehensive - intro body conclusion  ✓ Word 3000  ✓ Essay first part - intro - introduction + what is what’s + historical + current  ✓ Essay second part - body - establishment of fact + causes + impacts  ✓ Essay third part - conclusion - steps already taken + recommendations + conclusion

status and grade of tolerance and forgiveness in the life of the Prophet (S.A.W)/ CSS NOTES/PAST PAPERS

  Discuss the status and grade of tolerance and forgiveness in the life of the Prophet (S.A.W) Outline 1.      Introduction 2.      Discussion of the nature of tolerance and forgiveness in the Prophet’s life 3.      Status and grade of tolerance and forgiveness in the Prophet’s (S.A.W) life 4.      Critical analysis 5.      Conclusion Introduction: Tolerance and Forgiveness as the distinctive traits of Prophet (S.A.W)                    The traits of tolerance and forgiveness were distinctive in the life of the Prophet (S.A.W). Whether being presented in Mecca as a minority, crafting a heterogeneous civilization from diverse ethnic tribes, or forgiving the Meccan at the zenith of his brute forces these principles always carried weight in his life. Nature of Tolerance and Forgiveness in different eras of the Prophet’s life Eras of Prophet’s (S.A.W) life     Makki life