
Showing posts from February, 2023

Role of Media Essay Solved for CSS & PMS

  Role of Media Essay Solved for CSS & PMS  Role of media is influencing human psyche the topic is past paper from the CSS paper where detailed outline has been precented and shared types of media  Outline  Topic the role of media in influencing human psyche and pubic opinion  Introduction  What is meant by media, it’s types, it’s scope and extent Historical persecution about influence of media  Current status of role of media in Pakistan  To what extent, it is true, media is influencing human psyche and public opinion ? 1. It attracts the attention of youth to participate  2. It engages more audience and encourages to share thoughts  3. It urges politicians to share their thoughts about service delivery  4. It makes the system transparent and accountable  5. It appeals for more attention towards breaking glass ceiling  6. It helps to built individual opinion by constructive feedback  7. It assists in shaping the different perspective on different topics

Russia-Pakistan Relations: CSS Current Affairs 2023 by ENSEMBLE CSS

This article provides insight about the Russia-Pakistan Relationship and its development. It would cater the needs of CSS essay and CSS currrent affairs to attempt diversified topics. The whole article would provide insight about how things would be evolving in terms of relationship. The CSS Aspirants would be able to grasp the knowledge in single article.  The relationship of Russia with Pakistan is changing.    Russia-Pakistan Relations: CSS Current Affairs by ENSEMBLE CSS A Leader's greatness lies in the course of history. Mikhail S. Gorbachev, who brea­th­ed his last over a week ago. He brought about an end to the Cold War; liberated Eas­tern Europe, established friendly relations with the US and other Western countries, ended the Cold War with China, and set­tled the old boundary dispute with it with a simple remark, "let the boundary row midstream of the River Ussuri." This was shortly ahead of his visit to Beijing, which proved a big success. He also fundamentally


  CSS 2023 ESSAY PAPER SOLVED BY ENSEMBLE CSS ACADEMY 1. Instruction in youth is like a engraving in stone 1. Introduction  2. Youth: A phase of life 3. what is meant by Instruction? types of Instruction, Its Scope and Extent a. Verbal instruction  b. Written Instruction c. Formal Instruction d. Informal Instruction 4. Interpretation of statement  a. Positive phenomenon b. Negative phenomenon  5. YOUTH A DIFFERENT MANIFESTATION a. Mid life b. Stage of life c. Mean of Instruction  6. PROS of Instruction to the Youth a. direction to life b. Guidelines for better working c. Sheering the lines of control 7. CONS of Instruction to the Youth a. Rigidity b. killing of creativity c. Narrowing their scope d. Restraining Change e. Crippling their indepenent thinking  f. Meaningless Experiences  g. Setting boundaries  h. Advices to follow common paths 8. Reprecurssions of Instruction to the Youth a. directionless life of youths b. overrelience on others c. Looking for already set parameters d. Na