
Showing posts from March, 2023

Role of technology in the modern world

 Role of technology in the modern world  Introduction  What is meant by technology ? It’s types and scope  Historical perspective  Current status  Role of technology in the modern world  A. Positive role  Change in infrastructure  Connected world  E- commerce  Overcoming Competition  Revamp social facilities  B. Negative role  Destruction of personal identity  Identity crisis  Impact on family life  Psychological problems  Unemployment  Causes behind the excessive use of technology  A. Political causes  B. Social causes  C. Economic causes  Impacts on humans due to excessive use of technology  A. Mental illness  B. Psychological and behavioural issues  C. No work life balance  D. Deleterious impacts on Health  E. Sleep deprivation  Measures required to prevent excessive use of technology A. At micro level  B. At macro level  Conclusion  

Islam and democracy CSS ESSAY WRITING

  Islam and democracy   Introduction  What is meant Islam as religion ? What is meant by democracy ? It’s types and scope  Essentials of governance  A. Mutual cooperation  B. Consensus  C. Selection of leaders  D. Accountability mechanism  E. Consultation of organs of state  Pros of using democracy as Islamic form of governance  A. Institution building  B. Division of power  C. Individual role by everyone  D. Equal political participation  E. Mutual gaols and interest  Cons of democracy as Islamic form of governance  A. Interest factor  B. Privatisation  C. Myopic individualist policies  Causes behind poor governance in Islamic countries  A. Political causes  B. Economic causes  C. Social causes  Impacts of weak governance on Islamic values  A. Not updated economic policies  B. No self sufficiency  C. Corrupt practices in norms  D. Weak institutions  Measures required to reinvigorate democratic model with Islamic values  A. At national level  B. At international level  Conclusion 

Pakistan and the digital revolution

Pakistan and the digital revolution  Introduction  What is meant by digital revolution? Historical perspective of digital revolution in Pakistan  Current status of digital revolution in Pakistan  To what extent, it is true, Pakistan is growing due to digital revolution? Yes, it is true, because:  A. Youth is using technology on day to day affairs  B. Ease in accessibility and connectivity  C. Schools are reforming their way of delivery  D. Hospitals are investing in technology for patients  E. Media is revamping and expanding their services  F. New tech start ups are on initiating  No, it is not true, because : A. No Individual foreign account as PayPal , wise for Pakistan is available  B.  Higher cost of internet is there and it’s difficult for mediocre  C. Infrastructure like laptops, modems and computers are costlier  What are causes behind poor performance of digitalisation in Pakistan ? A. Political causes  B. Social causes  C. Economic causes  What would be the impact of digital

SOCIO economic problems of Pakistan CSS ESSAY WRITING BY ENSEMBLE CSS

 SOCIO economic problems of Pakistan  Introduction  What is meant by social and economic problems ? A case in point with Pakistan Historical perspective of status of social and economic front  Current state of affairs in terms of SOCIO economic problems  To what extent, it is true, Pakistan is facing SOCIO economic problem in Pakistan ? A. Anarchy in Pakistan leads to disruption in political system  B. Rampant corruption in Pakistan plague all sectors in Pakistan  C. High rate of child labour and crime rate proves Pakistan is weak in terms of social sector  D. Hydra of terrorism has increased the swaths of territories with Taliban and extremist E. Doubts digit inflation is  being faced by Pakistan  F. The hugest number of out of school children’s due to lack of political will  What are major rationales behind these problems ? A. Leadership crisis  B. Lack of political will  C. Time consuming and problem ridden agendas D. Inherited problems after inception  E. Skilled labour  What would

Queer Theory of CSS Gender Studies Short Notes by IQRA SHAUKAT : ENSEMBLE CSS

Gender Studies  Queer Theory of CSS Gender Studies Short Notes by IQRA SHAUKAT : ENSEMBLE CSS   Queer theory  ◦ Queer - odd /strange / not ordinary  ◦ Definition : at odds with the normal  , the legitimate. There is nothing in particular to which it necessarily refers. It is an identity without an essence.  ◦ Third gender deal  ✓ Dominating ideology and he obey (normalising , gender roles)  ◦ Heterosexual ◦ Institutionalised - politics , church , religion , traditional family and educational institutions etc  Essentials of queer theory  ◦ Queer theory rejects conventional or mainstream behaviour including sexual  identity , but also a range of identities including  race , disability and gender.  ◦ It rejects the essential nature of theories of identity based on binary opposition.  ◦ It explores and challenges the way in which heterosexuality is constructed as normal.  ◦ Representation of gay men and women  ◦ Suggest se usual identity is more

Truth in Short Supply CSS Philosphical Essay Writing

  The Elusive Truth: Navigating the Complexities of the Modern Media Landscape This blog post on the Ensemble CSS Academy website offers insights into the complexities of the modern media landscape and the challenges it poses to uncovering the truth. Written by Iqra Shaukat, the post delves into the topic of "Truth in Short Supply," which is a common theme in CSS essays. With her expertise in essay writing, Iqra offers valuable guidance on how to approach this topic and provides tips on how to effectively analyze and evaluate different perspectives. In the blog, you will learn about the importance of media literacy and how it can help you to identify fake news and biased reporting. The post also explores the different factors that contribute to the shortage of truth, including social, economic, and political factors. By the end of the blog, you will have a better understanding of the challenges of navigating the modern media landscape and how to approach the topic of truth in

Truth is a rare commodity despite the freedom by the print and electronic media: CSS ESSAY

  Uncovering the Truth: The Media's Struggle with Delivering Accurate Reporting in the Age of Propaganda Truth is a rare commodity despite the freedom by the print and electronic media   Introduction  What is meant by media, it’s types and significance  Historical background behind the advent of media  Contemporary state of affairs behind the use of media  To what extent, it is true, truth is rare commodity in terms of freedom of media ? Yes, it is true, because :  A. Abundance of information  B. Cyber warfare and threats  C. Media used by influential people and change the outcomes  D. Change the perspectives  E. Emerge of yellow journalism  F. Ease and accessibility of media to everyone  G. Illiterate and wrong use of media  H. Tool to change the perspective and perception   6. causes behind the absence of truth in freedom of media ? A. Social causes  B. Political causes  C. Economic causes  Impacts behind the misuse of media to suppress freedom A. Yellow journalism  B. Proxy wars