
Showing posts from May, 2023

Frailty, thy name is women

  Frailty, thy name is women 1.        Introduction 2.        Reflections on past episodes a.        Frailty as strength i.                      Emotional boundary ii.                    Stature of family bounding iii.                  Nature of pity and kindness iv.                   Submissiveness v.                    Temporary exodus of negative emotions b.        Frailty as weakness i.                      More prone to abuse ii.                    Financially dependent iii.                  Unable to self-protection iv.                   No culture of inheritance v.                    Physical or body hindrances 3.        Frailty a gauge to measure a.        Spiritually i.                      Tenderness to tempt, i.e., eve ii.                    More emotional than rational iii.                  Myopic view of the world iv.                   Religion restraint b.        Physically i.                      Exploitation ii.             

Gender Studies Mock Paper by ENSEMBLE CSS ACADEMY for CSS 2024

  1.      Autonomy and integration are mutually exclusive; compare and contrast both with relevant examples. 2.      Gender studies being a multidisciplined subject held it for better insight about the gender studies subject, share the steps from the evolution of gender studies from women studies. 3.      Share and highlight the major Western feminist waves; share the influence of these movements on Pakistan in detail. 4.      Colonialism has roots since its inception in Pakistan, how genders are shaped in the capitalistic perspectives of genders. 5.      Violence in any form is unacceptable; share different theories of gender-based violence and share measures to avert violence. 6.      The health system of Pakistan is deteriorating, and it is negatively impacting the better service delivery of Pakistan.