How to formulate an outline for essay in CSS / PMS


Just like synopsis for a book or a dissertation, your outlines reflect and serves same purpose. Outlines are pillars which project what you are intending to write in expansion of your ideas. There are several types of outlines and once you picked one type try to stick to it without shifting your methodology / style time and again. There must be organization in your essay and outline is backbone of your write up. The well structured outlines would keep your flow of ideas in momentum without wasting your much time and energy.

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How to formulate an outline for essay in CSS / PMS

Without further ado, LETS GET STARTED, by the end of this article you would be well versed with the methodology of writing essay at the same time you would be enlightened with several types of essay. As far as in-depth discussion about the types of essay is concerned and how to structure them, I would prefer to elucidate it in an upcoming article. Therefore, KEEP AN EYE OUT THERE.

ESSENTIALS OF OUTLINES. The bifurcation of essay types broadly would lead you to based on the philosophical essay or issue based argumentative essay. For the sake of simplicity, here I am only intending to explain argumentative outlines in order to pace you out.


            1.        Introduction. The first header would be introduction. With each essential I would like to mention do’s and don’t to bring maximum clarity of thoughts against the already established principles which is messing up to reach you to get clarity of thoughts. Some people think, we must write summary in the introduction. Like what, when we have outlines for this sake, what is the point of writing it and bringing redundancy in your write up. Repeating same stuff again and again, do you think it is wise idea, to me IT’S A BIG NO. Your introduction could chase two approaches, either general to specific or vice versa. Well, here’s another misconception where to write thesis statement. It depends on the approach if you are following general to specific, it’s kinda obvious that thesis statement would be the last thing. Moreover, in introduction you could start from appealing sentence with following sentences generally than cite an example from globe, than narrow down it at the regional level. Last but not the least you can write an event from the national level. In the outline there must not be any kind of subheading under the head of introduction.

            2.        What is what. Undeniably, it’s more about the insight of general topic. It’s more about the brief introduction for the reader to know about your topic. It consists of what, when, where, why, and how. All these 5 W’s must be in one paragraph of normal length. It would act as starter in food for thought for the reader, moreover, it would be more than warm up exercise for you to streamline your ideas.

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            3.        Historical background. As on the face of it you have to anecdote the particular topic in chronological method. Either ascending or descending. Though, it is optional for you but if you can manage to write it you will get EXTRAORDINARY ATTENTION FROM THE EXAMINER. For the sake of historical background, it could be in way of decades, or base year or random method but you must structure it well.

            4.        Current status. The fourth pillar in the outline of essay is to describe the current state of affairs. This is probably the most important part as you are gauging the current status quo and after considerate analysis you would provide recommendations at the end of your write up. Current status structure depends on the topic of general to specific nature. For the purpose of general topic, you have freedom to choose current status from Pakistan perspective or the globe at large, again depends on the topic.

            5.        Establishment of fact. This is primarily the most important part of your essay. It’s basically called the body of essay where you have to establishment arguments. Depends on the given statement to expand, you would most probably have the option of agreeing with the topic (called as pro approach), or else you can choose the topic by delineating points of disagreement ( called as anti approach), not only this approach, but also you have the choice to pick the approach in the moderate version( like partially agree to  disagree ). Here, the focal point is you have to substantiate your arguments with the assistance of quotations, facts & statistics and / or examples ranging from personal to global level.

            6.        Causes. If examiner asked you particularly to elucidate causes than you can provide the elaborate version else you can reduce it to maximum five to six points based on priority as per given topic. You have wide range of causes from political, social, economic or psychological etc. One thing which is pertinent to mention here that your major cause must be supported by sub causes with rationale not just simple plain writing, try to explain it with examples.

            7.        Impacts. Same strategy would be applied for causes and impacts. As mentioned above, impacts are the reactions of actions (causes). In the impacts, mind it to explain the ripple effects due to causes and one cause could have more than one impact. Anyhow, keep it as simple as you can. There is no need to put extra effort, your establishment of fact would serve the purpose well to establish your perspective. Mostly, in the causes and impacts you would find so much repetition despite change in topics because major part of essays consists on issue and solution thus it would be ranging within that category.

            8.        Steps already taken. This is unique value added point in your essay. This part would consolidate the existing problems and steps already taken in this regard to get rid of this menace from the society. It would envisage what has been done already and what else needs to be done.

            9.        Recommendations. All the same in progress projects with their more suggestions from your side would help you to add points under this head. You have several options ranging from short term , medium term and long term suggestions. In the like manner, it would be measures required at individual level, at social level, at national level and at international level. While giving recommendations, make it as practical and pragmatic as you can. It must not be random shot and else all your suggestions would be like building castles in the air.

            10.      Conclusion. Finally, the most awaited part of any essay is your concluding remarks. Concluding remarks has positive impacts since it would leave long lasting permanent impact on the reader and most probably the crucial point of evaluation. In the conclusion, you must restate your thesis statement. Additionally, you can repeat any 3 points from your write up. The only thing which you need to be considerate that not any new point must be provided in this part. Eventually, you must leave one last sentence for the sake of leaving positive impact in form of hope statement.


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