Time management is to key in CSS

time management, time management in css, CSS, Pakistan, CSP, How to manage time

You think you have time, but you don’t have time. Instead of making to -do list I would suggest you to make not to -do list. In order to vouchsafed your energies, you need to construct your habits. Consistency in habits would lead you to get permanence not only for time being  but also transform your body mentally and physically to get more done. History is bearing these facts, successful people are not extra ordinary instead they are normal people like us but with habits they transform their mindset to get more done in a short span of time.

Rather than beating about the bush , I would like to come straight to the point for your attention. You need to make bunch of habits for competitive exams. It doesn’t matter either you are morning person or night person, but mind it you must know at what time of day your brain is active and you get more productivity rather than rest of the day. To make it easy I will give list of habits which you must get mastery. Whereas on the flip I will jot down list of habits which are counter productive and you must avoid it at any cost to reach the ultimate goal. 


  1. Consult past papers first. Always begin with end in mind . For instance, you have to start one optional subject which is scoring instead of starting from scratch and reading books from first chapter start it with applying 80/20 principle. In order to apply this rule, you need bunch of past papers to make list of topics to cover first than to cross check it with main topics listed in your syllabus of that particular subject.Now divide your topics in number of days. Remember that we are humans we have mental and physical limitations so act accordingly. Your goals must be realistic considering the elements of uncertainty and unforeseeable events. With these guidelines, start preparing topics as per the frequency. Suppose, a particular topic which got selected in the exams thrice must be done first rather than the topic which hardly got the attention of examiner. 
  2. Practice tests are key for success. It doesn’t matter which subject you are preparing. You muust cover those topics which are important as per 80-20 principle than based on those topics when you will done with at least 60% of the topics shortlisted by you. Practice tests with real time monitoring. 
  3. Mind maps must be your best friend. You can download app for this purpose or else make it on physical papers if your are not IT savvy person and not comfortable with gadgets. The propose is to get interaction with material and it would leave important points in your mind since learning becomes easy when we involve more than one sense, it could be speaking , writing , listening or all simultaneously. 
  4. Journaling your thoughts. You must have one note pad with you to vent out your ideas or suggestions which are hindering in your study sessions. Keep journal and keep writing in it in order to de clutter your thought process and it could be any trivial matter or you think you have to do that task but circumstances are not favourable to do it any time soon, so in journal to make segregate it in the top what your to do list which you need to do after this session and it will calm down your thoughts which is hindering your thoughts to go into study zone. 
  5. Keep an eye on the current affairs. You must download two dairies app for newspaper one could be on national or other for international. Like I use to download dawn app as well as BBC news app and it helped me to track my news. While traveling , while having lunch , or which going for walk I just glance over the headlines which leave marks on my brain and arouse curiosity at the same time helped me to track major issues and their development. Which would ultimately help you in critical analysis and you wouldn’t be struggling trying to cram it for no reason. 


  1.  Wasting so much time on the social media apps. It’s only you think you are important to keep an eye on others affairs and wasting your time and energies for no reasons. Use these apps for your own good and not to spoil your future. I know it’s more than addiction and I myself is the victim of these apps. Just keep one point in your mind. OTHERS ARE ACHIEVING GOALS AT THE COST OF YOU AND YOU ARE OFFERING YOUR SERVICES WHILE PUTTING YOUR FUTURE AT STAKE. it means others are doing business and earning points from your watch time when you are loosing your precious time for others without getting anything in return. Next time you surf your browser excessively, keep this in mind that you are at disadvantages side. 
  2. Dilly-dallying for no reason. You know you have to do some work and you also know it’s important for you but you keep shifting your energies here are there for no reason. Remember your goal and imagine your self you reached there and feel same. The positive vibes you will get is unmatched and you would prefer to start working on it. Like imagine you are sitting in your dream office and living the life with contentment. 
  3. Haphazard attempt to start any paper and leave it in progress. Our Brains like symmetry and when we achieved something in row you will get sense of accomplishment. Jot down in the start what you are going to start and why. And write it on the start of your book. As per the important topics which probably you are going to start first. Do that in same sequence and cut it and count how many topics left. This will give your mind a task to do in the given time and you will perform better. Moreover, this would help you to gauge your progress as well. Which is itself a bit of motivation to get more done. 
  4. Self isolation and blocking your daily state of affairs to get more done. It is outdated theory we can done everything alone in self isolation. It’s no longer in practice. Team work and partnering with others can help you get more. Rather than isolation, keep a balance and get more done with the assistance of others but your company matters as well. Mind it , it can ruin your integrity.
  5. Leading the life of idealism. We set ideal blocks for everything and when in the life of practical ground realities we are unable to attain the desired threshold we end up regretting and this leads us to lose confidence on our own self. BEST IS THE MURDER  OF GOOD. we are humans we can’t be perfect therefore we must accept ourself the way we are. 

I have tried to keep it as short as I can. In case I missed up something you may catch me up in the comment box. I would love to help you all to reach your goals.


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