
Showing posts from February, 2022

CSS Solved Precis Past Papers Writing Examples: Human Destruction to ECO- System

CSS Solved Precis Past Papers Writing Examples TITLE: DESTRUCTION OF ECO-SYSTEM BY MAN Man is known for making good devices but poor in its utilization, efficiently and effectively.  There is reason to believe man used the process of combustion where fire was used as weapon for the destruction of human beings and their works. Nevertheless, man is even worst in utilization of gases for own good. Man is itself destructing and poisoning its air – most important to live- result into several natural disasters like hurricanes.  Man like other species use water for number of reasons. In case of less water, man may die with it scarcity, whereas, in case of excessive water it may prove fatal due to floods. Undeniably, man as compare to others is better in utilization of water for its own good. Man is misusing its intelligence for the exercise for the curtailment of natural resources. Another attempt in this regard is deforestation- cutting forests and tress to use wood for habitation purpose- f

how to Get Success in English Writing Descriptive CSS essay : Discipline is the only key to success

1. Introduction 2. What is discipline? Its forms and extent  3. Significance of discipline a. For individual b. For group  c. For community d. For nation 4. Is it true, discipline is the only key to success? Yes, discipline is the only key to success because it proved as tool of success at all sphere of life. a. Political success due to discipline  • Success of great politicians • Higher yield at elections • Discipline teaches appropriate behavior  • Discipline harmonize state institutions  • Discipline endorse negotiation rather than welfare • Discipline enhance soft power to get political success • Discipline thrust active engagement and participation  b. Social success due to discipline  • Encourage the culture of help • Discipline harmonize our lives  • Helps to prioritize as per time and circumstances • Induce the culture of tolerance for each other • Decrease the possibility of anarchy and haphazard situations • Nourish pro-active app

Education without character building is of no use

  1. Introduction  2. What is education? Its types and extent  3. SIGNIFICANCE OF EDUCATON a. For individuals b. For communities  c. For nations 4. Is it true, education without character building is of no use? Yes, it is true, education without character building is of no use, because: a. Without character building education is merely for job hunting b. It serves for monetary gains c. It would not yield social gains d. It would not enlighten souls e. It would not serve for morality and ethics f. It would not prove for enlightenment and awareness  g. It would not serve the purpose to deliver and render services for society 5. A current appraisal of educational sector without character building: A case study of Pakistan 6. Which factors are responsible for endorsing education without character building? a. Education for political motives b. Education for economic gains c. Public sector education devoid of character building d. Less reliance on qua


  1.       Introduction 2.       Terrorism; its types and extent 3.       Current status of terrorism at global arena 4.       Hazardous of terrorism 5.       Is it true, terrorism can’t be overcome at least in near future? Yes, it is true terrorism can’t be overcome at least in near future because: a.       Terrorism has tangled into other evils of society b.       Terrorism has embedded into grassroots level and to eke out require systematic times and action c.       Terrorism took the form of other ’ism’ such as fundamentalism , extremisms and sectarianism d.       Terrorism has spread at wider scale and full out war option is not working e.       Terrorism has taken the global forces of global terrorism spread and proxy way tool. 6.       What are the rationales behind terrorism can’t be overcome at least in near future? a.       MILITARY RATIONALES ·         As tool of war ·         As power factor ·         As hegemonic ·         As regulator of re


  State bank has announced recent monetary policy due to rift in current account deficit with exports. It overshadows the focus on the expansion in growth sector rather than on the debilitating situation at external sector. There is no denying from this fact that overall growth rate of the economy has improved manifold. however, banking sector depicts and shed light on the bright side for upbeat in activities. Whereas, the real and grim picture has been pointed for external sector. The state bank has stance for the justification in this regard as steep rise in the inflows to widen the spectrum of foreign exchange reserves. Thus, smooth rise in the foreign direct investments and export earnings gives currency to this idea. Moreover,  a slight increase in inflation has also been witnessed in economy owing to fluctuation in the oil prices along with the surge in demand. For this purpose, anticipated expenditure for upcoming election year is a stumbling block in the growth of economy as mo