Concept of accountability according to Quran and Sunnah CSS PMS ISLAMIC STUDIES SHORT NOTES/SOLVED PAST PAPERS;


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Concept of accountability according to Quran and Sunnah


1.     Introduction

2.     Definition of accountability in Islam

3.     Principles of accountability according to the Quran and Sunnah

4.     Critical analysis

5.     Conclusion

Accountability: One of the fundamental institutions of Islam

                   Accountability is one of the fundamental institutions of Islam. Its principles are both explicitly and implicitly laid in Quran and given a practical shape by the sharia. It is one of those holistic steps that have given Islam its zenith.

Definition of accountability:

                   In the Arabic language, the word hisbah has been used for accountability. Hisbah means to be accountable before an authority.

                   In Islamic shariah, hisbah means to be accountable before Allah as well as the authority.

Principles of accountability according to the Quran and Sunnah

Principles of Hisbat-ul- Nafs:

                   Hisbat-ul- nafs means self-accountability of human nafs. It is a belief that Allah is watching and knows everything a human does. Allah will ask a believer about his deeds on the day of resurrection.




1.     Names of Allah such asالبصير (All listening)  السمیع (All watching) and ٱلْعَÙ„ِيمُ                                                                                                            (All-knowing)

2.     “Lo, everything is being recorded in the book.”

                                                                           (Surah Naba)

Principle of Amanah

                   In surah nisah ayat 78, Allah says that we have given Amanah to mankind and he is bound to deliver his trust where due. Through this principle, every human action is a trust from Allah to his vicegerent.


i.                   Every responsibility is an Amanah.

ii.                 A citizen casting his vote is an Amanah.

iii.              A leader’s position of leadership is an Amanah.

Hence, Allah will ask about his Amanah.

3.      Principle of Justice:

Justice is also one of the fundamental pillars of accountability in Islam. Justice is not only about criminal justice but also about social and economic justice.


               “Whenever you decide, decide justly.”

                                                                          (Al Quran)

4.     Principle of Equality:

In Islam, everyone is equal before the law and hence no immunity is granted before the law. Prophet (S.A.W) himself was a judge and many of his narrations point out towards principle of equality before the law.


i.                   While adjudicating a criminal trial, Prophet (S.A.W) said:

“If my daughter Fatima had committed the theft, I would have cut her hands too.”


ii.                 “Earlier nations were destroyed because there were two laws. One for the rich and the other for the common man.”

5.     Principle of Transparency:

During the era of the prophets, the courts would conduct open trials. The accused was given the right to defend and there was the mechanism of wisdom protection as well.

6.     Principle of Auditing:

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) would keep the record of the booty of war and ensured equitable distribution of the booty among his followers.


When one of his followers took more than the assigned share from Bait-ul mall, he condemned it in harsh words.  



7.     Principle of proportional reward and punishment:

The Islamic concept of accountability stands on the pillars of enjoying good and forbidding evil. Hence, Islam encourages proportional reward and punitive measures in case of deviance. Islam enjoins even to stop evil as mentioned by the prophet.


i.                   Whosoever brings forth an atom’s weight of good shall see it and whosoever brings an atom’s weight of evil shall see it.

                                                                             (Al Quran)

ii.                 If any of you sees evil. He should strive to stop it with his hand. If he can’t, then he shall strive to stop it with his tongue. If he can’t, then at least he should consider it bad in his heart and it’s the least part of faith.


8.     Principle of Responsibility:

Islam has tied the concept of accountability with responsibility. Everyone has been assigned his social and legal roles and he will be questioned regarding that.


In a very long hadith, the prophet (S.A.W) emphasized the importance of responsibility in the following words:

Every one of you is responsible and will be asked about those under him. A leader will be asked about his citizens. Similarly, household women will be asked how they protected the wealth of their husband in their absence.


Legacy of the principles of accountability – A critical analysis:

                   The legacy of the state of Medinah was carried out during the caliphs’ era as well. The caliphs would open forums to answer the questions of the citizens. Once someone asked about a piece of cloth from Hazrat Umar and he replied about his source of earnings. Hence, it was this principle of accountability that made Islam one of the glorious empires.


                   To sum up, accountability is an institution entrenched in Islam. The Prophet (S.A.W) himself set an example of accountability and laid a foundation that led to the consolidation of the Islamic era for centuries to come.      




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