Role of women in Politics in gender studies CSS

 Believing that women cover half the sky, do you agree that we need equal no of women in the public domain, especially in politics?


1.     Introduction

2.     Current status of women's equality in the world and in Pakistan

3.     Causes of inequality that demand equal no of women in the public domain

4.     Impacts of equal no of women in public and politics

5.     The way forward for achieving women's equality

6.     Conclusion


                   Equality in the socio-political sphere has been a consistent demand of feminists. The perpetual marginalization and the nature of issues demand a separate and equal number of women in the public domain both at the global and national levels.

An overview of the current status of women's equality:

Global level

·        52% population is male, whereas 48% population is female according to UNESCO.

·        There is still a 30% wage gap between males and females in the west. (UNOP)

·        Perpetual marginalization of women in Africa and the Middle East.

National level

  • ·        50% population male, 48% female (population census 2017)
  • ·        Pakistan ranks 153/156 in the gender development index.
  • ·        4th unsafe country for women (world economic forum).
  • ·        30% gender gap in rural and urban areas (Pakistan Bureau of Statistics).
  • ·        Only 80 companies have women board of directors out of 25000 companies (SECP).

Causes of inequality that demand equal no of women in the public domain

1.     No universalism for women:

In spite of the success of first and second-wave feminism, women are yet to achieve universalism. It is only universalism that leads to ending marginalization and real empowerment of women.



Gender               Difference              Difference in               Difference in

gap                     in literacy              participation                wages

                                                         in laboratories


2.     Lack of women's autonomy:

The quota in the politics for women and the socio-political sphere has not given women their autonomy. To achieve it, an equal number of women needs to be given in the political sphere.

3.     Intersectional nature of issues of women:

The third wave of feminism has not been cultivated to end the intersectional issues of women. The rural women are still marginalized and lack representation as compared to urban women.

(Pakistan Economic Survey)



30% of women participate in the Lack of women-specific health

labor force in rural areas.                                    facilities in Sindh.


4.     Patriarchal culture:

The inherent patriarchal culture of Pakistan leads to the ghettoization of women at home. Even in the sphere of politics, women have to face the brunt of patriarchy in the policies and laws.


In the national assembly of Pakistan, the resolution to make a        constitutional amendment to grant the right of inheritance to women was rejected on the pretext of underlying patriarchy

Possible impacts of equal representation of women

1.     Inclusive development:

Equal representation of women will give rise to inclusive and gendered development. According to a report by the World Bank: “If development is not engendered, it gets endangered.”

2.     Fulfillment of women’s demand for universalism and WID:

Timeline:   1920s




                       The 1970s



             Equity in women empowerment is not enough until it ushers universalism. Hence, equal no of women will ensure women in development in actual spirit through universalism.

3.     Grant of autonomy to women:

The equal representation will lead to granting autonomy to women in multiple ways.




Women quota                   Preferential policies                     More representation

                                         for women                                   for women



4.     Formation of pro-women policies:

The equal no of women will lead to the formation of pro-women policies. It will create more sensitization toward the problems of women. It will lead to the socio-economic uplift of all the women.


5.     Breaking the glass ceiling:

Equal representation of women will break the glass ceilings which impede women to reach the top echelons of power. Hence, it will lead to the incorporation of more women as heads of state and corporate culture.

How to achieve equality for women: The way forward

1.     Principle of equity:

Equality always comes with equity. Hence, there should be more quotas for women in ghettoized regions.

2.     Legal covers for women:

A social change becomes law if it is given legal cover. Hence, any constitutional amendment and national consensus will facilitate the social change for empowering women.

3.     More focus on women-specific institutions and centers:

In third world countries, there are fewer educational and health facilities for women. It needs to be improved because the women-specific institutions have a greater tendency to raise the human capital of women as compared to men.




                   Women empowerment and its extent has been popular discourse since the ancient era. The world has reached the path of equity. Yet, it is not sufficient to propel an equitable development. Considering the half of the numerical population of women, it is only equal representation of women that can enormously uplift the socio-political status of women. 


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