
Showing posts from December, 2022

Tourism in Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities: CSS ESSAY

Tourism in Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities Tourism in Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities Outlines: Introduction Defining Tourism Current Scenario of tourism in Pakistan To what extent is it true that there are potential opportunities for tourism in Pakistan? Yes, it is true because The environment of Pakistan is improving to a certain extent in terms of peace. Social media platforms are exploring several areas of Pakistan and encouraging people to travel around the country. CPEC will open new avenues of tourism in Pakistan. Challenges to Tourism in Pakistan Obsolete Infrastructure Terrorism Negligence of Government Lack of human resource development Inadequate services Impacts of the underdeveloped tourism sector of Pakistan Social Impacts Exploitation of tourists The negative image of societal values Economic Impacts Poor revenue generation Low employment opportunities Psychological Impacts Bad international reputation Political Impacts Weak diplomatic ties Steps already ta

Classroom decides the future of the nation: CSS ESSAY OUTLINES

Classroom decides the future of the nation: CSS ESSAY OUTLINES  Classroom decides the future of the nation. Outline Introduction What is meant by the phrase "classroom decides the nation's future"? The historical role of education in the upbringing of nations Current status of classrooms in providing education To what extent does the classroom truly decide the nation's future? Yes, it is true because: 5.1. Revolutionary ideas take birth in classrooms 5.2. Scientific development in the country depends on the classrooms 5.3. Classrooms inject the moral and ethical values of the society 5.4. Classrooms produce future leaders of the nation 5.5. Classrooms are the second place for the upbringing of children 5.6. The fate of economic growth and the progress of the nation depends on classrooms What are the rationales behind the failure of classrooms to brighten the nation's future? 6.1. Low level of education 6.2. Absence of effective policies 6.3. Poverty and backwardne

Water Crisis and National Unity: CSS/ PMS Solved Essay

Water Crisis and National Unity: CSS/ PMS Solved Essay Water crisis and national unity    1. Introduction  2. What is meant by water crisis?   3. Historical perspective  4. Current scenario  5. To what extent does the water crisis truly affect national unity? It affects due to i. The emergence of regional conflicts. ii. The ongoing inter-provincial war among stakeholders and civilians over water distribution. iii. Conflicts over the construction of new reservoirs. Such as the kalabag dam. iv. Feeling of distrust on water issues under authoritarian regimes. v. Severe shortage of agriculture weakens nationalism. vi. Industrial backwardness enhanced national disintegration. Vii Water tanker mafia steals and sells water. Viii Lack of accountability and the weak rule of law are big hurdles in national unity.  6. causes i. Political causes ii. Social causes iii. Economic causes iv. Natural causes  7. Impacts i. water scarcity ii. water pollution iii. Expensive electricity iv. Droughts and

How Good Governance Got a Bad Name : CSS/PMS 2023 Full length Essay

  How Good Governance Got a Bad Name   OUTLINE INTRODUCTION  WHAT IS MEANT BY GOVERNANCE. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF GOVERNANCE CONTEMPORARY STATUS OF GOVERNANCE AND ITS HARSH REALITY TO WHAT EXTENT IS IT TRUE THAT BAD GOVERNANCE IS A HARSH REALITY? YES, IT IS TRUE BECAUSE: Dormant election systems create a harsh governance reality Bureaucratic doldrums are also a harsh reality of bad governance Depleted information about constitutional rights makes it a harsh reality Dynastic politics also play its part in the harsh reality of bad governance  Uneven distribution of resources is the harsh reality of bad governance  CAUSES BEHIND BAD GOVERNANCE Political causes Vested political interests Lack of political will Lip service of the politicians  Economic causes  Ailing Economy Rise in Expenditure Uneven imports and exports Social Causes  Lack of Awareness Illiteracy Low participation of women  IMPLICATIONS OF THE HARSH REALITY OF BAD GOVERNANCE Blur public interest in the political process 

Pakistan and the Future of Kashmir Cause: CSS Essay

 Pakistan and the Future of Kashmir Cause: CSS Essay    Pakistan and the future of Kashmir cause 1. Introduction 2. What is meant by Pakistan and the future of Kashmir cause? 3. Historical events regarding Pakistan and Kashmir. 4. current state of affairs. 5. To what extent is it true Pakistan's role is essential in the future of the Kashmir cause? Yes, it is true because   i) Pakistan is fighting for Kashmir right after independence   ii) Pakistan's foreign policy includes the Kashmir issue.   iii) Pakistan's national interest includes Kashmir.   iv) Pakistan presented the Kashmir issue to the UN several times.    v) Pakistani leadership is not ready to compromise Kashmir issues for any diplomatic or coercive terms. 6. Rationale behind Kashmir issues   i) Colonial legacy   ii) Indo-Pak frustrated negotiation   iii) India's illegal settlements   iv) Modi's fascist Hindutva ideology   v) Violation of constitution 7. Impacts   i) Mass killing   ii) Indo-Pak regional t

Single National Curriculum: Prospects and challenges for Pakistan CSS/PMS Essay

 Single National Curriculum: Prospects and challenges for Pakistan CSS/PMS Essay  Single National Curriculum: Prospects and challenges for Pakistan Outline Introduction What is meant by a single national curriculum? Historical beginning of single national curriculum concept Current status of the single national curriculum To what extent is it true that a single national curriculum has prospects in Pakistan? Yes, it is true because: 5.1. SNC will provide fair and equal opportunity for education in the country 5.2. It will help in the augmentation of national integrity among the masses 5.3. SNC will alleviate the social class disparity in the society 5.4. SNC will enhance technological skills following current trends and standard 5.5. It will ensure a holistic understanding of the child and a critical analysis 5.6. SNC will help eliminate rote memorization culture in schools all over the country What are the challenges in the implementation of SNC in Pakistan? 6.1. Dearth of trained teac

Feminism is not a third-world issue: CSS/PMS 2023

Feminism is not a third-world issue: CSS/PMS 2023 Outline Introduction What is meant by the term ‘feminism’? Historical development of feminism Current status of feminism To what extent is it true that feminism is not a third-world issue? Yes, it is true because: 5.1. Women in the first world also face gender discrimination 5.2. There is a difference between rights granted and rights exercised 5.3. There is still a persisting wage gap between men and women in developed countries 5.4. Women have not been given equal political representation in the first world 5.5. Women have not been provided a safe environment in developed countries 5.6. Sexual objectification of women has also been in developed countries 6. What are the rationales behind the inequality between men and women? 6.1. Dominance of masculinity over femininity 6.2. Lack of equal rights 6.3. Economic dependency of women over men 6.4. Patriarchal mindset 6.5. Confined role of women 7. How will feminism last positive impacts on