Is Nationalism on the Rise? Assessing Global Trends Full length Essay : CSS/PMS

 Rise of Nationalism

Rise of Nationalism Full length Essay : CSS/PMS
Rise of Nationalism Full length Essay : CSS/PMS 

Is Nationalism on the Rise? Assessing Global Trends


    1. Populist leaders have emerged in the world
    2. National interests have been prioritized over global interests
    3. The United Nations Human Rights charter has been ignored
    4. Minorities have been suppressed to gain popularity in the country
    5. Countries are withdrawing from international agreements
    6. Strong governments of autocratic leaders have been formed
    1. The unequal level playing field
    2. Scarcity of resources
    3. Technological advancement
    4. Environmental degradation
    5. Conflict of interest
    1. Collective efforts minimized
    2. Irresponsible behavior of nation-states
    3. Sovereignty compromised
    4. Suppression of human rights
    1. UN charter adaptation
    2. Regional organizations to increase cooperation
    3. Bilateral agreements between the countries
    1. Enhanced role of UN
    2. Mainstream the issues of the world
    3. Increase responsibilities of global stakeholders
    4. Provision of human rights
    5. International agreements to bring nations into a single platform
    6. Provide an equal level playing field


Nationalism is an ideology of prioritizing national issues and interests over any other things. At a global level, nationalism was witnessed in America during Trump’s government. At a regional level, nationalism has risen in India under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. At a national level, the rise of nationalism was witnessed during the tenure of former Prime Minister Imran Khan. Nationalism has been manifested as a core ideology for achieving global success. The rationale behind the rise of nationalism is the unequal level playing field for the countries. Therefore, the need of the hour is to provide an equal level playing field for everyone to minimize the impacts of nationalism.

Nationalism is an ideology that is based on the prioritization of national interests and issues. The concept of nationalism dates back to an earlier period of the Roman Empire. Roman Empire was formed based on nationalism. Nationalism aims to protect and prioritize the national interests of a particular state. The core idea of nationalism is to develop policies to protect the sovereignty and rights of the nation.

The countries had adopted nationalism to gain significant momentum to attain their objectives. First, Pakistan was demanded from Great Britain on the basis of nationality. Second, Great Britain was also formed based on nationalism. Moreover, Japan’s kingdom was also based on the ideology of nationalism. Thus, nationalism is a prominent ideology adopted by nations to attain their goals.

The world has witnessed the rise of nationalism in recent years—first, the nationalistic policies of America during the tenure of Donald Trump. Second, the slogan of Akhand Bharat of Narendra Modi shows the rise of nationalism in India. Third, the failure of military coup in Turkiye during Erdogan’s era shows the rise of nationalism in Turkiye. Thus, nationalism has risen rapidly in recent years.

One of the facts which show that nationalism has risen in the world is the emergence of populist leaders. First, the strong government of populist leaders has been witnessed—for example, an impressive win of the Bharatiya Janta Party of Narendra Modi in India in the previous election. Second, populist leaders have emerged in the west. For example, the unexpected win of Donald Trump against Hilary Clinton shows the sign of nationalism in America. Moreover, the aggressive behavior of nationalistic leaders has been witnessed—for example, China’s aggressive behavior in regaining the territory of Taiwan. Thus, the rise of nationalism has been seen after emergence of populist leaders in this modern world.

Another fact that shows the rise of nationalism is the prioritization of national interests over global interests. First, national interest has been prioritized due to the rise of nationalism. For example, the United States' withdrawal from the Paris Climate agreement shows the nationalistic policies of America. Second, countries have prioritized national interests over global interests—for example, the Russian invasion of Ukraine to protect the national interests of Russia. Thus, governments have prioritized national interest over any other things.

Another fact that shows the rise of nationalism is the ignorance of the United Nations Human Rights charter by member countries. First, governments have ignored the UNHR charter to meet their national interests. For example, India revoked Articles 36(A) and 370 in Kashmir, ignoring the UN resolutions over the Kashmir issue. Second, countries’ unilateral steps to fulfill their national interests. For example, Israel has carried out illegal settlements in disputed territory between Palestine and Israel, ignoring the rights of Palestinians. Thus, the United Nations Human Rights charter has been omitted due to the rise of nationalism.

Another fact that shows the rise of nationalism is the harsh policies against minorities. First, the rights of minorities have been suppressed to gain popularity. For example, Modi’s government in India has stopped the rights of minorities from gaining popularity in the country. Second, minorities have been displaced from their land. For example, Rohingyan Muslims have been expelled from Burma due to brutal policies of the Burma government against Muslim minorities. Thus, countries have suppressed the minorities’ rights to gain popularity among their community on a national level.

Another fact that shows the rise of nationalism is the withdrawal of countries from international agreements. First, governments have withdrawn from the global deal for their gains. For example, the United States withdrew from the Paris agreement unilaterally for personal payments. Second, countries have prioritized their national interests over international agreements. For example, the United States backed the JCPoA agreement regarding Iran nuclear deal due to the nationalistic policies of Donald Trump. Thus, the rise of nationalism has been witnessed as countries have withdrawn from international agreements.

Another fact that shows the rise of nationalism is the formation of strong autocratic governments. First, authoritarian leaders have formed strong governments in their respective countries. First, Narendra Modi started a strong government with a two-thirds majority using the ideology of nationalism in his election campaign. Second, autocratic leaders have influenced their people under the banner of nationalism. For example, President Kim of North Korea has bred nationalism in their masses to gain significant power against rival states. Thus, the formation of strong autocratic governments has also shown the rise of nationalism.

Is Nationalism on the Rise? Assessing Global Trends

There are several causes behind the rise of nationalism, but the foremost among them is the unequal level playing field. First, countries think they do not have equal space internationally. Second, they believe vital stakeholders have hijacked their aims and objectives. Moreover, countries think they have not been given their due share in this world. Thus, the unequal level playing field has become the cause of the rising of nationalism.

Another cause behind the rise of nationalism is a scarcity of resources. First, countries have adopted nationalistic policies to meet their needs. Second, states aim to attain objectives through nationalism due to the shortage of resources. Moreover, governments lack trust in the international community to fulfill their needs due to resource scarcity. Thus, scarcity of resources has also contributed to the rise of nationalism.

Another cause behind the rise of nationalism is environmental degradation. First, countries have withdrawn from international agreements due to their less greenhouse gas emissions contribution. Second, countries think they have suffered a significant loss on the economic and social front despite their less contribution. Moreover, countries like Pakistan have born massive losses due to climate change despite their minute share in global emissions. Thus, environmental degradation has also contributed to the rise of nationalism.

Several impacts could result from the rise of nationalism, and the foremost among them is minimized collective efforts. First, collaborative efforts to mitigate climate change impacts have been compromised due to the withdrawal of states from agreements. Second, measures for ensuring peace have been kicked out to protect the personal interests of the countries. Moreover, collective efforts have been minimized to protect the rights of the masses due to aggressive policies of states to gain popularity in their respective country. Thus, collaborative efforts have been underestimated due to the rise of nationalism.

Another impact resulting from the rise of nationalism is the suppression of human rights. First, countries have suppressed minority rights as a fire to breed nationalism. Second, the nationalistic policies of states have compromised the status of minorities in the country. Moreover, human rights have been ignored to fulfill their national interests. Thus, suppression of human rights could result from the rise of nationalism.

Another impact that could result from the rise of nationalism is the irresponsible behavior of nation-states. First, the erratic behavior of states has been witnessed in withdrawing from international agreements. Second, countries have become a security risk to the whole world, like North Korea. Moreover, the irresponsible behavior of states has resulted in increased power capacity. Thus, the rise of nationalism could result in the erratic behavior of the countries.

Nationalism has manifested as a primary opportunity to gain popularity among the masses. Various steps have been taken to minimize the impacts of nationalism—first, the formation of the United Nations Organization to promote cooperation between the countries. Second, regional organizations have been formed to build cordial relations between countries for collaboration. Moreover, governments have negotiated bilateral to promote people-to-people contact and ensure world peace. Thus, all the steps above have been taken to minimize the impacts of rising nationalism.

There are several measures to minimize the rise of nationalism, and the foremost among them is enhancing the role of the United Nations. First, United Nations must ensure the imposition of the Human Rights charter. Second, the UN must play a vibrant role to resolve the issues among the countries to provide equal space to minorities in their respective countries. Thus, the enhanced part of the United Nations will help to minimize the rise of nationalism.

Another measure to reduce the rise of nationalism is to increase the responsibilities of global stakeholders. First, the international stakeholders must work collectively on universal issues. Second, they must ensure the adoption of declarations for the collective betterment of the masses. Moreover, they must take responsibility for mitigating the impacts of nationalism. Thus, responsible behavior of global stakeholders will help to neutralize the rise of nationalism.

Is Nationalism on the Rise? Assessing Global Trends

Another measure to decrease the rise of nationalism is to bring countries into a single platform. First, governments must be carried on a single platform for the solution of universal problems. Second, nations must gather on a single platform to resolve climate change issues. Moreover, countries must be brought on a single platform to resolve their bilateral or multilateral matters. Thus, gathering the countries on a single platform will help to decrease the rise of nationalism.

To sum up the whole discussion, it has been discussed that rise of nationalism has affected the contours of the world. Nationalism has been manifested as a primary ideology to get success in this modern world. The rationale behind the rise of nationalism is the unequal level playing field for the countries. Therefore, the need for hours is to provide an equal level playing field to everyone to minimize the impacts of the rising of nationalism, among several problems, conflict of interest among countries resulting in the irresponsible behavior of nation-states. Thus, increased responsibilities of global stakeholders are required. Despite several issues, international institutions are working for the collective betterment of the masses to minimize the impacts of the rising of nationalism by leaps and bounds.

Is Nationalism on the Rise? Assessing Global Trends


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