Governance is the Harsh Reality in Pakistan: FULL LENGTH SOLVED ESSAY BY ENSEMBLE CSS ACADEMY

 Governance is The Harsh Reality


  1. Introduction What is meant by governance?
  2. Historical perspective of governance
  3. Contemporary status of governance and its harsh reality
  4. To what extent is it true that bad governance is a harsh reality? Yes, it is true because:

A. Dormant election systems create a harsh governance reality

B. Bureaucratic doldrums are also a harsh reality of bad governance

C. Depleted information about constitutional rights makes it a harsh reality

D. Dynastic politics also play its part in the harsh reality of bad governance 

E. Uneven distribution of resources is a harsh reality of bad governance 

  1. Causes behind Bad governance
  2. Political causes
    1. Vested political interests
    2. Lack of political will
    3. Lip service of the politicians 
  3. Economic causes 
    1. Ailing Economy
    2. Rise in Expenditure
    3. Uneven imports and exports
  4. Social Causes 
    1. Lack of Awareness
    2. Illiteracy
    3. Low participation of women 
  5. Implications of the harsh reality of bad governance 

  1.  Blur public interest in the political process 
  2. Increase the burden of weak economies 
  3. Decrease provision of fundamental rights 
  4. Influence of entrenched feudalism 
  5. Already taken steps to counter the harsh reality of bad governance 
  6. United Nations principles of good governance
  7. Cases studies of democratic countries 
  8. 18th amendment of Pakistan's Constitution
  9. Recommendations to Counter Harsh reality of governance
  10. Implementation of UN principles in true essence 
  11. Awareness of the election process 
  12. Provision of fundamental rights 
  13. Reforms in Bureaucracy 
  14. Decentralization of power
  15. Conclusion


       Countries' state of affairs reflects whether governance is a harsh reality. At a global level, countries' relations with other countries highlight the reality of governance. At the regional level, the rivalry between India and China has shaped their relations accordingly. At the national level, the influence of political elites in Pakistan's governance has made it a harsh reality. Therefore, the political actions of the countries define governance as a harsh reality. The core issue behind this is the ailing economies of the countries. Thus, it is the need of the hour to take robust measures against the harsh reality of bad governance.

       Before discussing excellent or lousy governance as a harsh reality, it is pertinent to understand the governance. Governance is about managing, distributing, and allocating a country's resources. The governance system has been prevailing in the world since the ages. However, it started strengthening after the treaty of Westphalia. Lust for hegemonic power in significant shareholders, such as the United States, China, and Russia, has made governance a harsh reality. Thus, implementing principles of democracy is necessary to convert bad governance into good governance.

       Looking at history, one will know that bad governance is a harsh reality:

  1. Pakistan faced several challenges at its inception, leading its governance to a harsh reality.
  2. Zimbabwe was blocked due to its bad governance at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
  3. Sri Lanka also faced bad governance problems in the twenty-first century's first decade.

Thus, history has proved lousy governance as a harsh reality. 

       In contemporary times, countries are still facing the harsh reality of bad governance. First, Pakistan's current economic situation is evidence of the harsh reality of bad governance. Second, Sri Lanka has become bankrupt owing to its bad governance. Similarly, Afghanistan's humanitarian crisis is also because of the government's reluctance. In sum, it would not be wrong to say bad governance is a harsh reality. The following paragraphs of the essay will discuss how bad governance is a harsh reality. 

       The dormant election process of the countries is one the top facts that have created governance a harsh reality. Primarily, it leads to rigged elections. Hacking Hillary Clinton's email account during the presidential elections in the United States in 2015 is evidence in this regard. Second, it promotes authoritarianism. For example, China's one-party system also dormant the election process because it discourages other parties from participating.

Moreover, it discourages voter turnout. According to the Election Commission of Pakistan, Pakistan's voter turnout in general elections in 2018 was almost 51 percent of the population. Thereby, it is imperative to say that lousy governance dormant political process.

       Another fact is that bureaucratic doldrums are also the harsh reality of bad governance. First, red-tapism contributes to bad governance. For instance, the bureaucrats are reluctant to deal with the files of higher authorities. Second, the influence of political personalities does not allow civil servants. For example, political influence creates fear of rapid transfer among civil servants.

Moreover, low salaries of government employees also play their part. Owing to low salaries, they try to earn money through illegitimate means. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that bureaucratic challenges create harsh realities of bad governance.

       Depleted information regarding constitutional rights is one of the facts of bad governance. Firstly, it does not let people know about their fundamental rights. Article 10-A of Pakistan's constitution provides civilians 'right to information. However, people are unaware of the right. Second, governance becomes a harsh reality because of the wrong interpretation of the constitution. The current political scenario of Pakistan, where political parties interpret the constitution according to their will, is evident in this regard. Thereby, it would not be wrong to say that depleted information also creates harsh realities of governance.

       Another fact, dynastic politics also plays its part in the harsh reality of governance. First, it weakens the governance system. For instance, the former governor of Sri Lanka led the country towards bankruptcy because only one family ruled the country for decades. Second, it brings nepotism into the governance. It has become a culture of Pakistani politics that the son of a politician will become a politician. Thus, it is imperative to say those dynastic politics has made governance a harsh reality.

       Lastly, uneven distribution of resources leads countries to witness the harsh reality of bad governance. Primarily, the distribution of rights based on race leads to bad governance. Discrimination based on race and color in the United States has resulted in the black rights movement in the US. Eventually, it will contribute to bad governance. Secondary, inter-state conflicts are also due to uneven distribution of resources. Conflicts due to the creation of the Kalabagh dam between Punjab and Sindh contribute to the bad governance of the country.

Similarly, it is halting the center-province relations. For example, the Water Apportionment Accord of the 1990s has increased clashes between centers and provinces over water. Therefore, it is pertinent to say that the inequitable distribution of resources also plays its part in the harsh reality of bad governance.

       Among the several causes, the main issue behind lousy governance is the contemporary political situation of the countries. First, politicians are reluctant to serve the public because they have vested interests. Second, they use the governance body for their political gains. Similarly, they provide only lip service to the civilians. Thus, it has made governance a harsh reality.

       The economic instability of the countries is also one of the primary rationales behind good governance. Primarily, ailing economies create a dent in governance. Second, it raises the expenditure of the government. Moreover, economic instability increases the imports and exports gap. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to tackle economic instability to counter the harsh reality of bad governance. 

 Governance is the Harsh Reality in Pakistan: FULL LENGTH SOLVED ESSAY BY ENSEMBLE CSS ACADEMY

       Society is the major contributor to the governance system. However, it has contributed to the harsh reality of bad governance. First, it is due to a lack of awareness among the masses. Second, increased illiteracy is one of the pieces of evidence in this regard. In the same way, a low participation rate of women in the governance system has also played its part in bad governance. Thus, society's participation must be ensured in the governance to reduce its harsh reality.

       Earlier discussed causes have adversely impacted the governance system. It has depleted the interests of the public in the election process. Firstly, it has discouraged voter turnout. Secondly, it has increased maladministration. Similarly, it has blurred the fundamental rights of civilians. Thenceforth, it must be countered to reap the fruits of good governance.

       Moreover, bad governance has increased the burden on weak economies. First, it has resulted in a low Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to tax ratio. Second, it has burdened the countries with paying higher loans. In the same way, it has increased expenses and decreased incomes. Therefore, the onus lies on the countries to stabilize the economy to practice good governance.

       The harsh realities of lousy governance have decreased the provision of fundamental rights. First, illiteracy has resulted from unawareness among the masses. Second, people are unable to practice their constitutional rights. Similarly, it has also resulted in the deprivation of primary education. Therefore, this harsh reality of lousy governance must be tackled to provide constitutional rights to civilians. 

       Entrenched feudalism is also one of the adverse impacts of bad governance. Primarily, feudalism has discouraged civilians from practicing their right to vote as per their will. Eventually, it results from less participation. Second, it has influenced the bureaucrats' abilities to perform their duties. In the same way, it has tightened its position in political decision-making. Thus, it is the need of the hour to remove such elements from the governance system.

       Although bad governance has become a harsh reality of the governance system, nations strive to counter it. First, the United Nations principles of good governance are evident in this regard. It includes equity and fairness, decentralization and participation in decision-making, transparency, and accountability. Second, pure democratic countries, such as Norway and New Zealand, have played significant roles. Similarly, the 18th amendment in the Constitution of Pakistan has drawn boundaries of the democratic government in the country because Islamabad has witnessed three consecutive civil governments. Hence, it would not be wrong to say that countries strive for good governance.  

       Governments must take several measures to combat the harsh reality of bad governance. The following measures are essential to cope with it. The foremost among them is implementing the United Nations' principles in their true essence. Primarily, governments must ensure accountability and transparency, and effectiveness. As a result, nations will witness free and fair elections. Second, states must eradicate illiteracy by ensuring civic education and promoting the importance of education. Thus, it is the need of the hour to implement the measures mentioned above. 

       Similarly, Countries must build institutions to bring awareness to the masses:

  1. They must encourage people to participate in the election process.
  2. They also need to introduce student politics to bring awareness among the young generation.
  3. Nations must ensure the effectiveness of the institutions to ensure civic education.

Therefore, it will lead to good governance.

       Moreover, states must provide fundamental rights to people. Firstly, they must ensure necessities. Second, they must allow them to practice the right to information to make governments accountable. Similarly, politicians must encourage civic education among the masses. Thereby, countries will be able to reap the fruits of good governance.

       In addition, bureaucratic reforms are also necessary in this regard. First, the bureaucracy must be accountable in front of civilians, for accountability is one of the essential characteristics of good governance. Second, they must be given handsome salaries to discourage corruption. Similarly, they must be given free space from political influence. Thus, it may help to cope with lousy governance by establishing transparency and the rule of law.

       Lastly, states must ensure the decentralization of power within an institutional framework. First, they must introduce integrated policies to establish the rule of law in the countries because it helps to protect human rights. Second, the judiciary must play an impartial role. Moreover, the balance between policymaking and its enforcement must be ensured because it enables the citizens to get fair delivery of services. Therefore, good governance is essential for social, political, and economic development.  

     To sum up the whole discussion, in a nutshell, it would not be wrong to say that bad governance is a harsh reality and good governance demands the circumstances to deal with it. Political actions of the countries define governance as a harsh reality. The significant rationale behind this is vested political interests. Thus, the need of the hour is to address the bad governance. The core issue is the ailing economies of the countries. As a result, it increases governments' expenditure. Despite several hindrances, countries struggle to fight against bad governance by leaps and bounds.

 Governance is the Harsh Reality in Pakistan: FULL LENGTH SOLVED ESSAY BY ENSEMBLE CSS ACADEMY

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