Unmasking Neocolonialism: PMS Past Paper 2022 Essay Solution



This form of imperialistic control that has become rampant in the world today is called neocolonialism: the use of economic, political, cultural, or other but indirect forceful domination, especially in the post-colonial Third World. It dates back to the industrialisation age when efficiency in using resources became a big concern for the hegemonic states. Developed countries like Italy and France and a few developing countries in the subcontinent, especially Bangladesh, were central to this process. The problem mainly resides in the fact that coercion is done subtly and indirectly but usually does not involve a direct process of colonization. This influence is done through removal by missionary activities, education systems, culture, and trade policies, among others. The way to combat neocolonialism is through equality by promoting the economic liberation of third-world countries, fair trade, and financing of their cultural products. This approach makes it easy for developing nations to protect their sovereign interests as they leap forward toward the sustainable development agenda.

Neocolonialism, PMS Essay 2022, Neocolonialism Causes, Neocolonialism Effects, Neocolonialism Solutions, Essay Writing Tips, PMS Preparation, Neocolonialism Analysis, Political Influence, Economic Dependency, Cultural Impact

The continued exercise of neocolonialism is embedded in the political, social, economic, and military setter and dominant desires. On the political aspect, the search for power and the consideration of more space are paramount to neocolonialism. But in the modern world, most leading states continue to influence their former colonies either through local puppets or through diplomatic threats. Economically, neocolonialism depends on the spreading of neocolonial culture in which the advanced countries impose their cultures and life standards while ignoring the pre-existing local cultures of the affected nations. This cultural import provides a sort of expectation that local populations are forced to look up to the shoes as they have been made to believe that the systems of other countries are better. Strategically, the trade and diplomatic measures are most important in its economic consideration. Implementation of sales that were one sided and conditional assistance creates a situation where developing countries are entangled in the interests of developed states and cannot freely conduct their economic politics. In the military aspect, neocolonialism is represented as help and cooperation. Donors keep their military bases in the developing states while offering military support, which ensures that the targeted country will obey the rules set by the wealthy state.

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Globalisation is often wrongly associated with neocolonialism, whose impacts are seen in almost all aspects of life. In the long non-renewable term, it creates a cycle of dependency in which the so-called developing nations are forever put into a perpetual state of inability to gain their economic liberty fully. The natural resources are, in most cases, depleted for the advantage of the external forces, thus promoting misery and steering regional industrialization. On the political side, it influences the sovereignty of every state as heads of government and states themselves obey foreign interests rather than people. Socially, the reduction of culture can effectively result in generational issues due to the clash of existing cultures with forcedly introduced alien cultures. To this, we can only retain cultural values since culture is an essential aspect of any nation’s identity. In the short run, neocolonial policies shall heighten social injustices, destabilise societies’ economies, and fuel political turbulence as nations battle with outside forces and internal conflict.

This then requires multiple strategies in order to fight neocolonialism and open possibilities for a better future. Palestra also works on the immediate level: raising awareness in third-world countries about the new forms of colonialism and neocolonialism and promoting cooperation of the countries of the region in order to withstand external pressure. However, the battle against neocolonialism is one in which the developing countries cannot fight single-handedly. In the medium term, there appears to be a possibility of economic diversification and a fair trade agreement to resist the pull of foreign rulers. The education systems must ensure the protection of Indigenous knowledge and culture. The long-term solutions should, therefore, involve a build-up of governance structures, a push for technological independence, and proper multilateralism, which respects the self-interest of the parties involved. All in all, it becomes evident that there is a long fight against neocolonialism in the main to establish what is necessary and sufficient for the development of independent states and the successful adaptation of entire nations to free and equal cooperation with other countries.

Neocolonialism, PMS Essay 2022, Neocolonialism Causes, Neocolonialism Effects, Neocolonialism Solutions, Essay Writing Tips, PMS Preparation, Neocolonialism Analysis, Political Influence, Economic Dependency, Cultural Impact



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