
Showing posts from January, 2021

How to formulate an outline for essay in CSS / PMS

  Just like synopsis for a book or a dissertation, your outlines reflect and serves same purpose. Outlines are pillars which project what you are intending to write in expansion of your ideas. There are several types of outlines and once you picked one type try to stick to it without shifting your methodology / style time and again. There must be organization in your essay and outline is backbone of your write up. The well structured outlines would keep your flow of ideas in momentum without wasting your much time and energy. How to formulate an outline for essay in CSS / PMS Without further ado, LETS GET STARTED, by the end of this article you would be well versed with the methodology of writing essay at the same time you would be enlightened with several types of essay. As far as in-depth discussion about the types of essay is concerned and how to structure them, I would prefer to elucidate it in an upcoming article. Therefore, KEEP AN EYE OUT THERE. ESSENTIALS OF OUTLINES. The


  Since we all know, papers must be self speaking. How we attempt paper stand us out from rest of candidates. It would definitely help you to fetch more and more marks, as at the D-day your marks matters to determine your group for allocation. It’s blessing in disguise that paper presentation matters. At one hand, it would help you to fetch more marks, while on the contrary it could be disadvantages for the people who are not naturally blessed with legible writing and lacking aesthetic sense to make ideas more appealing.   While, coming straight to the paint,  YOU ARE READING CORRECTLY, legible writing can help you to bring extra bucks in terms of marks. As per one survey, rather than writing correctly presenting appropriately will increase your overall marks on average, except for numerical questions since those are objective in nature. Let’s make a deal, we must improve our way of presentation by following these points:   1. ALL ABOUT OUTLINES . There must be some natural sequence i


Since everyone knows this fact exams are approaching and we are feeling down with fear and hallucinations that we might couldn’t be able to do it. The reality is every to and fro have this fear and it’s REAL, even those passed were not sure they could make it so. Not even toppers were immune from this fear. One thing you must know , competitive exams are exams of nerves and it’s part of evaluation how you are going to perform in the moment of distress and uncertainty. Never mind you are not alone in this, every aspirant is sailing in the same boat. Now, let’s come to terms and promise your self you are going to outperform from others beyond your imagination.  DIRECTION IS SO MUCH IMPORTANT EVEN MORE THAN SPEED Here are few top notch ideas which you must consider while giving final shoot.  Start practice test and revision instead of learning and trying to retain new knowledge in short span of time. Make mind maps from the topics of past papers instead of making plain revision. It would

Time management is to key in CSS

You think you have time, but you don’t have time. Instead of making to -do list I would suggest you to make not to -do list. In order to vouchsafed your energies, you need to construct your habits. Consistency in habits would lead you to get permanence not only for time being  but also transform your body mentally and physically to get more done. History is bearing these facts, successful people are not extra ordinary instead they are normal people like us but with habits they transform their mindset to get more done in a short span of time. Rather than beating about the bush , I would like to come straight to the point for your attention. You need to make bunch of habits for competitive exams. It doesn’t matter either you are morning person or night person, but mind it you must know at what time of day your brain is active and you get more productivity rather than rest of the day. To make it easy I will give list of habits which you must get mastery. Whereas on the flip I will jot dow


  Post-Covid 19 : a distress on economy Rise of nationalism  Populism: Pros and Cons Kashmir: the cause for freedom Nuclear  diplomacy in treacherous times  Human Rights: Social Justice in the age of the market Imperlism in the 21st Century Tha failure of globalisation The age of jihad Alternatives to Capitalism: proposals for democractic economy Global violence and war we should all be feminists  The Political Economy of mass media The reconstruction of religious thought in Islam  Is Pakistan ready for digital revolution  Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger ×


Introduction  What is meant by Digital revlution? its scope & extent ? Historical events regarding digital revolution Current state of affairs  To what extent, it is true, Pakistan is ready for digital revoultion? yes, it is true, because: Youth buldge is already using internet facility for day to day affairs Media is indeed playing contructive role for digital revlution  it has provided vast optical network infrastructure Globalisation has transformed the nation-state concept It has opnened up avaenues for freelancing  Educational sector is playing informative role State enterprises are playing proactive role to take desired actions Mindset shift has played conducive role      6. What are the rationales behind which are hindering digital revolution in Pakistan? Infrastruture Issues  Low - digital literacy  Beneficeries of black economy  Bureaucratic hurdles Cultural mindset       7. How digital revolution can help us ? E-governance  flourishment of economy Active participation of


 OUTLINE: Introduction  What is meant by Economy, its scope & extent Historical Background of Pakistan's Economy Current status of Pakistan's economy To what extent , it's true that Pakistan's economy is crippling owing to informal economy? yes, it is true, because: major part of economy go unrepresented black market is getting its place without positive future perspective putting dent on the Pakistan's representation seeping the revenue generations instead strain on the exchequer  helping the people to involve in non-state activities increasing the double digit inflation aiding in vicious circle of circular debt stressing to put extra tariff on trading with neighbouring countries not representing the role being played by agricutlural and cottage industry threatening and aiding non-state actors to involve in terror financing 6. What are the major rationales which are hindering in way of documentation of economy of Pakistan? resistence by the local traders loopho


1. interpretation of statement 2. Actions, its extent and scope ( effective actions vs ineffective actions) 3. words ; ideas to expand your thoughts with help of symbols  4. A case in point with Individuals  individuals as leaders  military personnels with their actions for defense civilians/bureaucrates with actions for service delivery statepersons with actions regarding legislation 5. A case in point with society it acts as harmonising people it acts as force to consolidate norms and practices  it spreads the feeling of togtherness & mutual cooperation  6. A case in point with nation  A nation is destine to facilitate denizens  it is embede to provide livelihood it provides sense of security & protection  it partakes in social contract  7. A case in point with Supra Organisations   manifesto to deliver spirit of interconnected with each other  equality vs equity  8. why there is difference in actions rather than in words ? unrelaistic goals  projections to achive more scarci

CSS ESSAY OUTLINE: Stand off between china and USA and its impact on Pakistan’s foreign policy

        1.  Introduction  2. What is meant by Foreign policy ? Its scope and extent  3.     Leafs from the past  4.  Recent developments on the fronts of pakistan policy  5.  To what extent , it is true Pakistan’s foreign policy will be in turbulent water owing to rivalries between super power                         Yes , it is true because :  ◦ Pakistan is the biggest trading partner of USA  ◦ Islamabad has signed various pacts with the usa led supra Organisations to get rid of menace  ◦ It would be in turbulent water due to animosity with eastern neighboring country - India ◦ Hazara episode will prove as a catalyst in sectarian war with Iran  ◦ The withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan as a result of trilateral peace reconciliation  ◦ New engagement with China for Recent developments and CPEC  ◦ Turbulent kashmir in the amidst of clashes for right of self determination  ◦ Pakistan ‘s cultural and social development with Turkey and